
NFTs wallet inventory

NFTs wallet inventory 🚧🚧🚧 WORK IN PROGRESS 🚧🚧🚧

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Security 🚨

This tool uses the SimpleHash API and can only read public information. It cannot modify your wallets.
The Project information are identified (see the list below) by this application from the collection.collection_id field. If you see something wrong, please tell me. The others information are given by the SimpleHash API.
⚠️ Beware that some data returned by SimpleHash are not data that you can see on Solscan or other explorers. Because these explorers get data from the extra_metadata.metadata_original_url field.
🚨 Be careful with URLs from the extra_metadata.metadata_original_url field. If there are scam NFTs in the scanned wallet, these URLs are maybe dangerous! This application don’t display these URLs by default. And if you add this column, these URLs are not clickable.



Identified projects