(dedicated page)
Jean Ichbiah, 1980
ASMassembleur x86
Intel, 1972
- A Gentle Introduction to Assembly Language Programming (pkivolowitz)
- AMD: Developer Guides, Manuals & ISA Documents
- Brennan’s Guide to Inline Assembly
- GCC-Inline-Assembly-HOWTO (Sandeep.S)
- Intel Developer Zone: Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer Manuals, Intel Intrinsics Guide
- Intel x86 JUMP quick reference (Steve Friedl)
- SIMD Instruction Sets (Christopher Wright)
- Software optimization resources. C++ and assembly. Windows, Linux, BSD, Mac OS X (Agner Fog)
- Using the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC): 6.45 How to Use Inline Assembly Language in C Code
- x86 Assembly (Wikibooks)
- x86 instruction listings (Wikipedia)
Alfred Aho,
Peter J. Weinberger,
Brian Kernighan,
- 20.10. Quick Reference: awk (Shelley Powers, Jerry Peek, Tim O’Reilly, Mike Loukides, UNIX Power Tools O’Reilly 3rd 2002)
- awk(1), awk (1g) (Oracle Solaris 11.2 Information Library)
- awk Command (IBM AIX 7.3); awk – Process programs written in the awk language (IBM z/OS 3.1.0)
- GNU awk: GAWK: Effective AWK Programming
- Learn awk in Y Minutes
- sed & awk (Dale Dougherty, Arnold Robbins, O’Reilly 2nd 1997)
- Simple Awk (Adrian Schef)
– Beginners’ All-purpose Symbolic Instruction CodeJohn G. Kemeny,
Thomas E. Kurtz, 1964
Bash – The GNU Bourne-Again Shell
(dedicated page)
Brian Fox, 1989
– basic calculatorRobert Morris,
Lorinda Cherry, 1975
Dennis Ritchie, 1972
- Beej’s Guides: Guide to C Programming (single page, widescreen), Library Reference (single page, widescreen) (Brian “Beej Jorgensen” Hall)
- ##C: The Standard
- C, Go (Hyperpolyglot)
- comp.lang.c Frequently Asked Questions
- C reference: A list of open source C libraries; C Operator Precedence, printf
- cmocka — unit testing framework for C; Criterion (documentation); ctest; CUnit (documentation); NovaProva (manual); List of unit testing frameworks: C (Wikipedia)
- C Style: Standards and Guidelines (David Straker, Syque); Style Guide for C (Harvard CS50x)
- CompCert: The CompCert C compiler
- Dennis M. Ritchie : C Reference Manual .pdf, Programming in C – A Tutorial .pdf (Brian W. Kernighan)
- FAQ C (
- GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection: GCC online documentation / Option Summary, Overall Options;
- GCC Wiki: Semantics of Floating Point Math in GCC
- Learn c in Y Minutes
- Open Standards: C – Approved standards: C99 .pdf, C11 .pdf
- C
- Splint — statically checking C programs for security vulnerabilities and coding mistakes
- The C Library Reference Guide (Eric Huss) Version sur l’Internet Archive
- The Linux Kernel API (The Linux Kernel)
- The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 7, 2018 edition: 13. Headers
- flex – The Fast Lexical Analyzer
- GMP – The GNU MP Bignum Library
- OpenCV – Open Source Computer Vision Library: Documentation 4.2.0, Tutorials
- SectorC – A C Compiler in 512 bytes
: OpenMP 4.5 API C/C++ Syntax Reference GuideOpenMP
- Automatic parallelization in GCC (GCC Wiki)
- Clang OpenMP Support
- Construire son cluster HPC (Nicolas Greneche, GNU/Linux Magazine France 185, septembre 2015)
- Découverte de la programmation parallèle avec OpenMP (Jean-Baptiste Vioix, GNU/Linux Magazine France 122, décembre 2009)
- GNU libgomp
- Guide into OpenMP: Easy multithreading programming for C++ (Joel Yliluoma)
- Une introduction à la programmation parallèle avec Open MPI et OpenMP (Alban Mancheron, GNU/Linux Magazine France HS 99, novembre 2018)
: documentation v3, v2.1, v2.0Open MPI
- A Comprehensive MPI Tutorial Resource
- Message Passing Interface (MPI) (Livermore Computing Center)
- MPI and MPI IO Training Tutorial (NTNU HPC GROUP)
- MPI Forum
Bjarne Stroustrup, 1985
- Belgian C++ Users Group
Bjarne Stroustrup:
C++ Style and Technique FAQ,
C++11 – the new ISO C++ standard
- Five Popular Myths about C++ (Décembre 2014) / Cinq mythes courants sur le C++
- C++ Best Practices: A Forkable Coding Standards Document: Style
- C++ Coding style (Mozilla); C++ Core Guidelines – isocpp (Bjarne Stroustrup, Herb Sutter); Google C++ Style Guide; Why Google Style Guide for C++ is a deal-breaker (Sergey Zubkov)
- C++ Insights
- C++ Key Points (Yang Wang)
- C++ Shell; Coliru
- C++ Templates FAQ, Common syntax errors in C++ (Ben Hutchings)
- C++17 in details: Standard Library Utilities
- (profile OPiMedia): Standard C++ Library reference
- CppCast (Jason Turner, Rob Irving)
- Cppcheck – A tool for static C/C++ code analysis; cpplint; Infer Static Analyzer; List of tools for static code analysis: C/C++ (Wikipedia)
- A list of open source C++ libraries; C++ Operator Precedence, printf
C vs C++
- Compatibility of C and C++ (Wikipedia)
- Incompatibilities Between ISO C and ISO C++ (David R. Tribble)
- Where C and C++ Differ (Alex Allain,
- CxxTest: User Guide; List of unit testing frameworks: C++ (Wikipedia)
- Cours de C/C++ (Christian Casteyde)
- FAQ C++
- Les Guru of the Week en français
- Pointeurs intelligents (Loïc Joly)
- GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection:
- Infographic: C/C++ facts we learned before going ahead with CLion
- Learn c++ in Y Minutes
- Object-Oriented C Style Languages: C++, Objective-C, Java, C# (Hyperpolyglot)
- C++
- Standard C++: C++ FAQ;
- October 1997 Working Paper;
- Open Standards: C++ – Standards; C++11 .pdf, C++14 .pdf
- Quick C++ Benchmarks
- Quiz:
The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project:
APT Packages
- clang – a C language family frontend for LLVM; Clang In Browser
- Clang Static Analyzer
- Clang-Tidy
- libc++ – C++ Standard Library: /libcxx/trunk
- Boost C++ Libraries
- {fmt} – A modern formatting library
- wxWidgets – Cross-Platform GUI Library
Micro$oft, 2000
StarkWare, 2020
Rich Hickey, 2007
API Documentation:
- 4Clojure
- Clojure Documentation: Concurrency and Parallelism in Clojure
- ClojureDocs: Quickref for Clojure Core
- Clojure Library Overview: API Overview
- Clojure Programming (Wikibooks)
- Learn clojure in Y Minutes, Learn clojure macros in Y Minutes
- Lisp: Common Lisp, Racket, Clojure, Emacs Lisp (Hyperpolyglot)
- Clojure
- The Clojure Style Guide; Metabase Clojure Style Guide
(dedicated section in the Web Development page)
Jeremy Ashkenas, 2009
Walter Bright, Andrei Alexandrescu, 2007
Lars Bak, Kasper Lund, 2011
- Dart Style Guide (Bob Nystrom)
- Flutter
- TypeScript, Dart (Hyperpolyglot)
Bertrand Meyer, 1986
Style Guidelines
Joe Armstrong,
Robert Virding,
Mike Williams, 1986
Erlang documentation:
- An Erlang Course
- Concurrent Programming in Erlang .pdf (2nd edition, Joe Armstrong, Robert Virding, Claes Wikstrom, Mike Williams)
- Erlang/OTP Documentation Search
- Erlang Reference Manual User’s Guide
- Programming Rules and Conventions
- Dialyzer
- EUnit
- Erlang Handbook .pdf (Bjarne Däcker, Robert Virding)
- Erlang Coding Style Guide; Inaka’s Erlang Coding Guidelines
- — Alternative Erlang Documentation
Louis Pilfold, 2016 - Joe Armstrong – Erlang and other stuff
- Learn erlang in Y Minutes
- Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good! — A Beginner’s Guide (Fred Hébert)
- Erlang
- Prolog, Erlang, Elixir (Hyperpolyglot)
- Style guides: How-To Documentation/Programming StyleGuide; Inaka’s Erlang Coding Guidelines; Programming Rules and Conventions (old Erlang Website)
F Fortran
John Backus, 1957
Fortran Coding Standards and Style
Lehrstuhl D für Mathematik, 1986
– Groups, Algorithms, Programming
— a System for Computational Discrete Algebra
GNU Octave
John W. Eaton, 1988
Reference Manual
- GNU Octave Wiki: C++ style guide, Octave style guide
MathWorks, 1984- Learn Matlab in Y Minutes
- Mathesaurus – Thesaurus of Mathematical Languages, or MATLAB synonymous commands in Python/NumPy
- Numerical Analysis & Statistics: MATLAB, R, NumPy, Julia (Hyperpolyglot)
Go (Golang)
Robert Griesemer,
Rob Pike,
Ken Thompson, 2009
James Strachan, 2003
Style guide
Lennart Augustsson, etc., 1990
- Gloss — Painless 2D vector graphics, animations and simulations
- Haskell (Wikibooks)
- Haskell Code Explorer
- haskell-style-guide
- HLint
- HUnit
- Learn Haskell in Y Minutes
- Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! A Beginner’s Guide (Miran Lipovača)
- ML Dialects and Haskell: SML, OCaml, F#, Haskell (Hyperpolyglot)
- Haskell
- What I Wish I Knew When Learning Haskell (Stephen Diehl)
io Io
Steve Dekorte, 2002
- Io Programming (Wikibooks)
James Gosling, 1995
Vérifier la version de Java,
Uninstalling Java
- AOSP Java Code Style for Contributors; Code Conventions for the Java Programming Language (Sun 1999), Code Style Guide (Gobblin); Google Java Style Guide; Java Coding style (Mozilla); Java Style Guide (Twitter); The Official Java Style Guide
- Hibernate ORM
- Introduction to Programming in Java (Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne): Standard Libraries (JavaDoc)
- Introduction to Programming Using Java (David J. Eck)
- Install Oracle Java 10 (JDK 10) In Debian From PPA Repository, Install Oracle Java 9 In Ubuntu, Linux Mint Or Debian Via PPA Repository [JDK9] (Web Upd8), How To Install Oracle Java on Debian 10 (Buster)
- JavaFX
- Java Sound Resources
- Learn java in Y Minutes
- Le développement avec Java : le tutorial développons en Java et développons en Java avec Eclipse (Jean-Michel Doudoux)
- Object-Oriented C Style Languages: C++, Objective-C, Java, C# (Hyperpolyglot)
- OpenJDK: Mercurial Repositories: jdk7/classes, jdk8/classes
Oracle Java Documentation:
Java Platform, Standard Edition – Java SE:
- Java Platform Standard Edition 7 Documentation: Java Platform, Standard Edition 7 API Specification
- Java Platform Standard Edition 8 Documentation: Java Platform, Standard Edition 8 API Specification
- Oracle JDK 9 Documentation: Java Platform, Standard Edition & Java Development Kit Version 9 API Specification
- JDK 10 Documentation: Java Platform, Standard Edition & Java Development Kit Version 10 API Specification
- JDK 11 Documentation: Java Platform, Standard Edition & Java Development Kit Version 11 API Specification
- JDK 12 Documentation: Java Platform, Standard Edition & Java Development Kit Version 12 API Specification
- JDK 13 Documentation: Java Platform, Standard Edition & Java Development Kit Version 13 API Specification
- JDK 14 Documentation: Java Platform, Standard Edition & Java Development Kit Version 14 API Specification: Formatter
- The Java Tutorials: Learning the Java Language / Operators, Primitive Data Types
- Java Platform, Enterprise Edition – Java EE:
- Java Magazine
- JSP Standard Tag Library — JSTL; Eclipse EE4J
Java Platform, Standard Edition – Java SE:
- Java
- checkstyle (checkstyle_checks.xml, sun_checks.xml); FindBugs (SpotBugs); Infer Static Analyzer
- Choco solver, Choco Tuto: Getting started with Choco
- GraalVM; GraalVM – New JIT Compiler and Polyglot Runtime for the JVM
- Java decompiler online
- JFlex – The Fast Scanner Generator for Java
- Nailgun – Insanely Fast Java; How run a simple Java program with the client/server Nailgun (on Debian Stretch)?
- VisualVM – All-in-One Java Troubleshooting Tool
(dedicated section in the Web Development page)
Brendan Eich, 1995
Jeff Bezanson,
Alan Edelman,
Stefan Karpinski,
Viral B. Shah, 2012
Documentation /
Noteworthy Differences from other Languages,
Style Guide
- Introducing Julia (Wikibooks)
- JuliaBox
- JuliaOpt
- Numerical Analysis & Statistics: MATLAB, R, NumPy, Julia (Hyperpolyglot)
- JuMP: Style guide and design principles
- Learn Julia in Y Minutes
- Notes for Julia Contributors
- YASGuide – Yet Another Style Guide For Julia
- Cbc.jl – Interface to the Coin-OR Cbc solver for mixed-integer programming
ksh – KornShell
(dedicated page)
David Korn, 1983
JetBrains, 2011
Learn Kotlin:
Coding Conventions
– création de documents, libre, multi-plateforme
Leslie Lamport, 1984,
Donald Knuth, 1978
- CTAN – Comprehensive TEX Archive Network
- Documents LATEX de Denis Bitouzé: Guide d’installation de LATEX (distribution TeX Live) sous Linux, Mac OS et Windows
- LATEX for Logicians
- LATEX Templates
- Learn latex in Y Minutes
- Les FAQs LATEX (
- List of LATEX mathematical symbols
- mémento LATEX
- MiKTEX: distribution sous Window$
- Online Latex Editor (</> Coding Ground)
- texlive.js – A LATEX Compiler for Javascript
- TeX Users Group (TUG): TeX Live
- The LATEX Font Catalogue
- The LATEX Project: Getting LATEX
module LATEX 2ε
pour afficher
composés avec\bullet
(BoxDot.pdf,, BoxDot.tex) - Knots.sty: module LATEX 2ε pour afficher des nœuds
- PGF/TikZ: graphic module; KtikZ; pictikz; TikZiT – GUI editor for graphs and string diagrams; quiver – a modern commutative diagram editor, tikzcd-editor, TikZiT
- Detexify – LATEX handwritten symbol recognition
- HEVEA; Pandoc; TeX4ht – converting documents written in TeX/LaTeX/ConTeXt/etc. to HTML, various XML flavors, braille, etc.; make4ht
- HostMath; LATEX Base; LATEX Equation Editor for Writing Maths on the Internet (CodeCogs); Online LATEX Equation Editor (Sciweavers); Tables Generator
- KATEX – The fastest math typesetting library for the web;
- MathJax – Beautiful math in all browsers
- metaflop – web based platform for experimental fonts and type related projects using Metafont
- TEX-Units: equivalences between different length units handled by (LA)TEX
Leonardo de Moura, Micro$oft Research, 2013
- LeanDojo – Theorem Proving with Retrieval-Augmented Language Models
John McCarthy, 1958
Robin Milner, 1973
- CS312 SML Style Guide (Cornell CIS, 2008); SML Style Guide (Carnegie Mellon, School of Computer Science, 2012); Style guide for Standard ML programmers (COMP 105, Tufts Computer Science, 2020)
- Learn Standard ML in Y Minutes
- ML Dialects and Haskell: SML, OCaml, F#, Haskell (Hyperpolyglot)
- Standard ML of New Jersey
- Standard ML SourceForge Project: The Standard ML Basis Library
Xavier Leroy, Jérôme Vouillon, Damien Doligez, Didier Rémy, Ascánder Suárez, 1996: OCaml Programming Guidelines- CS 3110 OCaml Style Guide (Cornell CIS, 2017); OCaml Style Guide (Penn Engineering)
- Learn OCaml in Y Minutes
- OCaml
- The Caml language (Inria)
🔥 Mojo
(see to dedicated Python page)
Andreas Rumpf, 2008
Tom Love,
Brad Cox, 1984
Apple Inc., 2009
- OpenCL C++ Wrapper 1.2 Reference Card
- OpenCL Reference Guide: 2.0, 2.2
- OpenCL Reference Pages: 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 2.0, 2.1
- Beignet; Intel Graphics Compiler for OpenCL
- How to set up OpenCL in Linux (Andreas Klöckner’s wiki)
- OpenCL C to OpenCL C++ Porting Guidelines
- OpenCL
- assertOpenCL – Implementation of assert and PRINT macros for OpenCL, with host examples in C/C++, Java, Scala and Python
- JOCL pour Java et Scala, PyOpenCL pour Python
Gert Smolka, 1991
P Pascal
Niklaus Wirth, 1970
Larry Wall, 1987
- Learn perl in Y Minutes, Learn perl6 in Y Minutes
- Perl
- perltidy
- Scripting Languages II: Perl, Lua, Groovy (Hyperpolyglot)
(Perl 6)Raku
Larry Wall, 2015
(dedicated section in the Web Development page)
Rasmus Lerdorf, 1995
John Warnock,
Chuck Geschke,
Doug Brotz,
Ed Taft,
Bill Paxton, 1982
- A First Guide to PostScript (Peter Weingartner)
- CDF Offline Information: PostScript
- Forth and PostScript (Hyperpolyglot)
- ghostscript: Ghostscript PostScript Coding Guidelines
- Mathematical Illustrations – a manual of geometry and PostScript (Bill Casselman)
- PostScript FAQ (Wikibooks)
- PostScript Language Reference .pdf (7,4 Mio)
- PostScript Tutorial (Paul Bourke)
- PSUtils
- The PostScript Tutorial (Dann Ormond, Will Munn)
(dedicated page)
Casey Reas,
Ben Fry, 2001
Alain Colmerauer,
Robert Kowalski, 1972
- A Concise Introduction to Prolog (David Matuszek)
- blint — Arity/Prolog32 - compatible lint tool
- Coding Guidelines for Prolog (Michael A. Covington Roberto Bagnara Richard A. O’keefe Jan Wielemaker Simon Price, 30 June 2011); Coding Style Guidelines (Logtalk); Prolog programming guidelines, Inria)
- Learn prolog in Y Minutes
- Prolog Tutorial
- Prolog, Erlang, Elixir (Hyperpolyglot)
- prolog :- tutorial (J.R. Fisher); slides (Liang Huang, Kenji Sagae)
- Real World Programming in SWI-Prolog: Frequently Asked Questions for ##Prolog (Pathways Learning Management System)
- SICStus Prolog
- SWI-Prolog: Manual
- The GNU Prolog web site
(dedicated page)
Guido van Rossum, 1990
Ross Ihaka,
Robert Gentleman, 1993
- Advanced R (Hadley Wickham)
- Google R Style Guide
- Learn R in Y Minutes
- Numerical Analysis & Statistics: MATLAB, R, NumPy, Julia (Hyperpolyglot)
- R
- Quick-R
- rpy2 – R in Python
- Saut d’R (Cécile Sauder)
- Tidyverse; The tidyverse style guide
(.*) regex – regular expression
Stephen Cole Kleene, 1951,
Ken Thompson, 1960s
- An Improved Liberal, Accurate Regex Pattern for Matching URLs (Daring Fireball)
- Comparing regular expressions in Perl, Python, and Emacs (John D. Cook)
- Debuggex – A visual regex helper
- From Regular Expressions to Automata
- iHateRegex
- Online regex 101
- Regex DB
- RegexPal – a JavaScript regular expression tester
- Regexper
- RegexpLint
- RegExr – Learn, Build, & Test RegEx
- Regex Tester (ExtendsClass)
- Regex Tester
- Regular expression tool (Lars Olav)
- Regularish – a JavaScript regex editor
- Regulex – JavaScript Regular Expression Visualizer
- Rubular
- The Regulator – advanced Regular expressions testing tool
- Visual REGEXP
- Enfin Maîtriser Les Expressions Rationnelles (13 août 2012) (JS Attitude)
- Hidden Traps in Regular Expressions (3 août 2018)
- C: PCRE – Perl Compatible Regular Expressions
- Emacs: Regular Expressions
- grep: Regular Expressions (grep)
- Java: Lesson: Regular Expressions; Package java.util.regex: Class Pattern, Class Matcher
- Flagrant Badassery – A JavaScript and regular expression centric blog: Faster JavaScript Trim
- XRegExp – JavaScript regex library
- Perl: perlre – Perl regular expressions, perlreref – Perl Regular Expressions Reference, perlrebackslash – Perl Regular Expression Backslash Sequences and Escapes
- PHP: Regular Expressions (Perl-Compatible)
- Python: re – Regular expression operations (Python v3 documentation)
- sed: 5 Regular Expressions: selecting text (GNU sed); sed - non greedy matching (
- Regex
- Regex Crossword; Regex Golf
- Regular expression (Wikipedia) / Expression régulière
- How to Find or Validate an Email Address
- The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 7, 2018 edition: 9. Regular Expressions
- txt2: online application for some common manipulations (lower, alphanormalize, SHA-1, htmlentities…) on text data
(dedicated section in the Web Development page)
Bloomberg L.P., 2020
(former BuckleScript)
Yukihiro Matsumoto, 1995
Graydon Hoare, 2010
- Learn: Getting started; Cargo Guide, Rust by Example, std, Style Guidelines, The Rustonomicon, The Rust Programming Language book
- Rust RFCs
- The Rust Programming Language Forum (profile OPi)
- Comprehensive Rust
- Rust
- Rust-101
- Rust code formatting RFCs: Rust Style Guide
- Rust Language Cheat Sheet
- Rust, Swift, Scala (Hyperpolyglot)
- TOML — Tom’s Obvious, Minimal Language
Martin Odersky, 2004
Scala Standard Library API
– The Scala Library Index;
(profile OPi)
- Databricks Scala Guide; Scala Best Practices (Alexandru Nedelcu)
- Dotty – A next generation compiler for Scala
- Java developer’s Scala cheatsheet (Marko Bonaći)
- Learn Scala in Y Minutes
- Martin Odersky
- Metascala – A JVM written in Scala
Functional Programming in Scala Specialization
- Functional Programming Principles in Scala (Martin Odersky)
- Functional Program Design in Scala (Martin Odersky)
- Scala
- Programming in Scala (Martin Odersky, Lex Spoon, Bill Venners/ 1st Edition, 2008)
- Rust, Swift, Scala (Hyperpolyglot)
- Scala by Example .pdf (Martin Odersky)
- Scala Center: Scala 3 Migration guide
- Scala Exercises
- Scala.js
- Scala Love – Podcast about Scala Programming Language and its community
- Scala Native
- Scala School! – From ∅ to Distributed Service
- Scala Times – Weekly Scala Newspaper
- Scastie – interactive playground for Scala
- sbt – The interactive build tool: API, Reference Manual
- ScalaCheck, ScalaTest
- Scalafix – Refactoring and linting tool for Scala; Scalastyle – Scala style checker
- Scalameta – Library to read, analyze, transform and generate Scala programs
- ScalaMeter
- Learning Akka Typed from Classic
- References: Classic Actors (2.5.23)
- APIs: actor (2.5.23)
Guy L. Steele,
Gerald Jay Sussman, 1975
- BATTLE OF THE LISPS: Common Lisp vs. Scheme (Robert Smith, 2010)
- Community-Scheme-Wiki: scheme-style, SICP-Solutions
- Continuations in Scheme
- Guile: The Guile Reference Manual
- MIT/GNU Scheme: Reference, User’s Manual
- Scheme Reports Process
Standards /
SRFI — Scheme Requests for Implementation - The Revised6 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme (R6RS)
- Write You A Scheme (Adam Wespiser, 2016)
Online books:
- HtDP — How to Design Programs (Matthias Felleisen, Robert Bruce Findler, Matthew Flatt, Shriram Krishnamurthi, 2003, 2nd 2014)
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
(Harold Abelson,
Gerald Jay Sussman,
Julie Sussman, 1996);
SICP exercises; Video Lectures (1986) - Simply Scheme: Introducing Computer Science (Brian Harvey, Matthew Wright, 1999)
- Teach Yourself Scheme in Fixnum Days (Dorai Sitaram, 2015)
- The Scheme Programming Language (R. Kent Dybvig, 4th 2009)
PLT Inc., 1995: Racket Documentation: How to Program Racket: a Style Guide, The Racket Guide, The Racket Reference
Lee E. McMahon, 1974
- Chapter 34. The sed Stream Editor (Shelley Powers, Jerry Peek, Tim O’Reilly, Mike Loukides, UNIX Power Tools O’Reilly 3rd 2002)
- GNU sed: sed, a stream editor
- Sed
- sed(1), sed(1B), sed(1g) (Oracle Solaris 11.2 Information Library)
- sed & awk (Dale Dougherty, Arnold Robbins, O’Reilly 2nd 1997)
- sed Command (IBM AIX 7.3); sed – Start the sed noninteractive stream editor (IBM z/OS 3.1.0)
- sedsed – debug, indent, tokenize and HTMLize your sed scripts (Aurelio Jargas)
- Useful sed (Adrian Schef)
sh – Bourne Shell
(dedicated page)
Bell Telephone Laboratories, 1979
Alan Kay,
Dan Ingalls,
Adele Goldberg, 1972
- Learn smalltalk in Y Minutes
- GUI Scripting: JavaScript, Smalltalk, Tcl, AutoHotkey (Hyperpolyglot)
- Stéphane Ducasse: Free Online Smalltalk Books
2008- Pharo with Style (Stéphane Ducasse) .pdf (19 janvier 2020)
Christian Reitwiessner, 2014
(dedicated section in the Web Development page)
Donald D. Chamberlin,
Raymond F. Boyce, 1974
John Ousterhout, 1988/1991
Rational Software, 1994
- ArgoUML; BOUML: “a free UML tool box”;; yUML
- Introduction – UML SysML
- La notation graphique UML, Survol de la notation unifiée UML
- OMG – Object Management Group
- OMG SysML – OMG Systems Modeling Language
- PlantUML; py2puml
(dedicated section in the Web Development page)
Micro$oft, 2012
Alexander Medvednikov, 2019
- VHDL Style Guide (v.1.0, 30 July 2008)
Zsh – Z shell
(dedicated page)
Paul Falstad, 1990
General links
- 99 Bottles of Beer
- A curated list of Coding Style Conventions and Standards
- Algorithms, 4th Edition (Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne): Java Algorithms and Clients (JavaDoc)
- Code Codex
alternative list
: - AnalysisTools – Analysis Tools and Linters to Improve Code Quality and Avoid Bugs; MegaLinter
- ast-grep structural search/rewrite tool for many languages: Playground
- Awesome Guidelines (Wahyu Kristianto); Google Style Guides
- Cheat Sheet Ada; Ada
- BiTE; Ghidra – software reverse engineering (SRE) suite of tools; Online x86 / x64 Assembler and Disassembler
- cloc — Count Lines Of Code
- </> Coding Ground – Free Online IDE and Terminal; codepad; Compiler Explorer;; Online Compiler (.net);; Rextester; Wandbox
- Coloration syntaxique:; Online Syntax highlighter (PineTools);
- Computer Languages History
- Context Free is about programming languages, including design, usage, implementation, and history.: Complexity of Hello World & what comes after (16′11) (20 juillet 2020); Languish – Programming Language Trends
- Dictionary of Programming Languages
- divisions: round of 0.5 and Euclidean division comparisons between some programming languages
- doxygen – Generate documentation from source code
- FriCAS (William S. Page): Rosetta Translations
- Functional Geekery
- GDB: The GNU Project Debugger: Debugging with GDB; Beej’s Quick Guide to GDB (Brian “Beej Jorgensen” Hall)
- GNU Coding Standards
- Guru99
HackerRank [CodinGame…] / helpers: little scripts to help in solving problems of HackerRank website (or CodinGame…), in several programming languages.
hellanguages – some tests/examples/templates in various languages
- Humour
- Hyperpolyglot – Programming Languages: commonly used features in a side-by-side format
- Infographics: Operation Costs in CPU Clock Cycles (IT Hare on Soft.ware, 12 septembre 2016)
- Learn X in Y Minutes
- Learning Curves (for different programming languages) ;-)
- Most Popular Programming Languages 1965 – 2019 (Data Is Beautiful) (4′57)
Floating numbers:
- IEEE 754 (Wikipedia)
- What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic (David Goldberg, 1991)
- Online Python Tutor – Visualize Python, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, Ruby, C, and C++ code execution
- Pascal Rigaux/ programming languages study/ syntax across languages, syntax across languages per language
- Portland Pattern Repository’s Wiki: Programming Paradigm
- <Programming> – International Conference on the Art, Science, and Engineering of Programmin
- Programming tutorials and source code examples
- PYPL PopularitY of Programming Language
- References on Zotero: Computer Science / languages in .pdf
- Rosetta Code (profile OPi)
- Software Preservation Group
- The Bible of Tabs vs Spaces Holy War
- The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
- Timeline of programming languages (Wikipedia)
- Top 7 Modern programming languages to learn now (Md Kamaruzzaman, 24 décembre 2019) Rust, Go, Kotlin, TypeScript, Swift, Dart, Julia
- Tree-sitter — parser generator tool and an incremental parsing library
- Une taxonomie des principaux paradigmes de programmation (Peter Van Roy)
- Valgrind
- Website Style Guide Resources